Frequently Asked Questions
Receive a full refund for any reason if you return a product within 15 days of your delivery date that is still in brand new condition with the original packaging and with all items delivered with the product. Please read our complete policy by clicking here
You can pay us using any one of the following payment methods:
Pay us via Net-banking, credit cards, and debit cards via our online payment gateway. Over 95% of our customers use this option as it is fast and secure.
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
For detailed information on COD, please refer COD FAQs
- PayPal
PayPal account lets you check out faster, safer and with ease, it is also accepted globally.
For more info on PayPal-
You can deposit a cheque OR Demand Draft OR do a cash deposit into any of our Bank’s ATM Dropbox/branch near you. The cheque should be in favor of Baajewala Pvt Ltd. and you must mention our account number behind the cheque. You can also mail us the At-Par Cheques and Demand Drafts. Please do not mail us cheques unless they are “At Par” cheques.
Bank Name: XYZ
Account Name: Baajewala Pvt Ltd.
Account No: xxxxxxxxx
Account Type: Current
Branch: Dummy Branch
IFSC Code: KKBK0000651
The actual shipping transit time is 4-6 working days anywhere in India. Most customers receive their product(s) within 12-15 business days of placing their order.
- The process is as follows:
- Order on
- Physical Stock Verification
- The product moved to the office for testing
- The product is tested and packed
- Then the product is shipped.
Moving a product from our warehouse or a supplier’s warehouse to our office usually takes 2-3 days. After this, the product is tested and packed. Depending on the workload and number of pending orders, which are always more than we can handle, this can take another 3-4 day.
Note: Business days do not include Saturdays and Sundays.
Musical instruments and pro audio equipment are fragile and sensitive products and need to be tested and packaged carefully. While we are unable to ship at lightning fast speeds, our methods ensure a near-zero transit-damage rate in India, and we’d like to keep it that way. Getting your product reach safely to you is our top priority 🙂